PIRfect new online U-Value Calculations made available by Recticel insulationA new online U-Value calculator has been launched by Recticel Insulation. An instant tool designed to assist architects and specifiers when calculating the required insulation thickness, thermal performance and product solution, is now available on the Recticel website at www.recticelinsulation.co.uk.

It’s simple, easy to use and online. The company is delighted with its new online tool, Commercial Director Kevin Bohea said: “Users will be able to calculate a building’s performance values, such as its thermal efficiency, to help meet building regulations with our new U-Value calculator. It is a time saver for industry professionals wanting to create projects that are fit for purpose and comply with regulatory frameworks. Making calculations at an early stage of the design process avoids expensive re-working later on in a project.”

The online U-Value calculator is the latest addition to Recticel’s PIRfect online support offering.
It allows users to log in, create a project and then re-visit the particular project and edit this at their leisure; ensuring this is a useful and productive tool.

Once signed in, users can access tools that enable them to select the right product from the company’s extensive PIRfect insulation range, calculate U-Values for a project, get the correct product thickness to meet regulations and find in-depth technical information.